Dr. Charles Ruark

Before answering these arguments, it is necessary to state them and try to understand them. Below is a summary together with a brief rebuttal of some.

1)  The age of the earth as determined by radioactive carbon dating. The age of the universe and the Hubble tension or the Crisis in Cosmology.

2) Fossil Record

3) Evolution has become a “fact”. No educated biologist doubts the theory. The shame and personal attack game.

4) Thus, it follows that evolution can be true and that evolution must be true. In addition, it is impossible to do science without the assumption of evolution. This a statement of belief in the underlying postulate but there is an element of truth to it.

Science is inherently atheistic. It cannot allow God into the equation. There is no room for Jesus as Creator. However, when Jesus returns to set up His millennial kingdom, there will be no more “science”. You will never hear Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, or the Laws of Physics mentioned again. We are living in the age of science, where our reality is based on human reason. Faith has been totally discredited as unreasonable. Since Jesus can only be approached by faith, it is impossible for science to recognize His existence.

5) Similarity of the genomes among similar organisms. The coded DNA between the Chimp and human is almost identical. This makes for a powerful argument of descent from a common ancestor with natural selection operating on random mutations.

6) All sorts of intricate evolutionary arguments based on “5”. For example, the claim is that similarities in the junk DNA between mice in the form of severely damaged pseudogenes found in nearly identical genomic locations are almost irrefutable evidence for our descent from a common ancestor.

Note: This does not take into account the loss of about 99% of our genetic information which occurred with the ingestion of the toxin. The original genomes of both mice and humans would have been markedly different when compared to their current genomes.

7) Prediction of “junk” DNA and the similarity of the junk DNA amongst similar organisms. This is another evolutionary argument based on the organization of current genomes.

It is evident that the toxin was mainly directed at the higher animals in the Garden. Mutation and aging were the result of the toxin. It is very possible that viruses found in today’s world are the direct result of this toxin. It is also possible that it turned many previously beneficial bacteria against us.

Before the Fall since there was no mutation, we never would have suffered from viral or bacterial infections, had we not sinned. Today’s viruses and bacteria thrive off mutation. It is easy to see how evolutionists extrapolate this fact into the evolutionary story of how we got here.

Mutation is inherent to every living organism. So, it is quite natural to tell the story of evolution in terms of natural selection working on beneficial mutations and selecting them out to create stronger and more complex organisms. While this seems logical, there are so many holes and problems with this logic that, on closer examination, it is certainly possible and easy to raise many legitimate objections and questions to the story of evolution.

For example, viruses possess genomes composed of either DNA or RNA. For a virus to infect a cell and destroy it, it must take over the cellular machinery of DNA replication, transcription, or translation. The virus does this to reproduce itself.

A virus is a machine of cellular destruction. Ultimately it uses its genome to reproduce itself, including all the components necessary to produce intact replicas of itself known as virions. It does this perhaps thousands of times until the infected cell is overcome and bursts releasing thousands of new viruses into the body.

Our immune system produces antibodies to these virions. The antibodies attach to the virions, rendering them impotent, and the infection is gradually cleared. The important point is that for the process of viral replication to occur, the virus must contain the identical DNA code as the host. Otherwise, its virions would be nonfunctional because its proteins would be gibberish. It is true that viruses thrive off of mutation, but their DNA code does not change.

The molecule inside the cell that most closely resembles the viral genome is mRNA. Remember that the codons of mRNA use the bases A G C U. The virus uses its genomic DNA or RNA, which must be coded using the same code as the code of its host’s codons, to create a viral molecule essentially identical to host mRNA. This viral mRNA molecule travels to the ribosomes of the cell to create its needed proteins, genome, and protein coat known as the capsid.

Mutations to its genome beneficial to the virus can occur during the process of viral replication. These mutations result in alterations to the proteins of the viral capsid that can render vaccines useless or less effective. Thus, mutation of the viral genome is fundamental for the survival of the virus, but this does not change the fact that the virus must use the identical DNA code as its host to accomplish its destructive work.

Viruses pose severe problems that evolutionists, if they are honest, cannot satisfactorily explain. I have already stated that for a virus to infect its host, it must possess functional proteins and a DNA or RNA genome coded with the identical code as the host in order to produce these proteins, mutations notwithstanding.

Evolutionists understand that viruses should have preceded the cell since they are much simpler but contain many similarities to the cells they infect. However, no human lab can create a virus. And, the pre-existence of a host cell to infect is necessary for the virus to survive. Simply put, a virus needs a pre-existing host and a matching DNA code, none of which existed at the time viruses should have come into existence, according to evolutionary theory.

Of course, there have been various evolutionary explanations for this. There always are because the paradigm of evolution is an article of faith, a necessary condition for science to proceed. One explanation is that cells somehow created the seeds of their own destruction, i.e., created their own viruses. However, this explanation makes no sense. Although much simpler than living cells, viruses are nevertheless very complex, possessing both a DNA code, genome, proteins, etc.

Logically, from an evolutionary standpoint, therefore, viruses should have preceded the cell for millions of years, existing without a host for this length of time. This begs credibility as does the evolutionary dogma that cells created the instruments of their own destruction.

It is estimated that there are e+31 viruses in the world. There are 219 species that infect humans and 320,000 that infect mammals in general. In addition, there are many others that infect the lower forms of life. In my opinion, it makes no sense that the cells of living organisms produced such a vast array of viruses, each species with its own unique genome and proteins, and the identical DNA code as its host’s, over the course of the last 500 million years. Remember, there are 24 variations to the Universal Code, as recorded in the NCIB database, about 50% of which are variations in the nuclear Code.

I note again that at least 59% of the human genome has been infected with exogenous viruses as are also the genomes of the higher animals.

If the fruit of the Forbidden Tree in the center of the Garden was numerous, it could be the explanation for the source of all viruses. It could have shed its fruit repeatedly once activated by Adam and Eve until the Garden no longer existed; thus, viruses infected all of God’s creation and are still infecting us today.

I believe viruses are a physical consequence of the moral sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden. They died immediately spiritually, but the fruit contained powerful biological toxins and poisons, one of which are the viruses we suffer from today.

Dr. Charles Ruark

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