New Discovery
Dr. Charles Ruark *Reference "DNA Analysis- A PDF" for this article. It appears that the logic equations found in these attached tables are even more important than had been previously thought. Let us explain. There are 1.5e + 84 possible DNA or genetic codes. This is...
Creation Machine — A Downloadable PDF
A downloadable PDF of the "Creation Machine" curated by Dr. Charles Ruark. Creation Machine
Fossil Record
Dr. Charles Ruark As I mentioned, Jay Gould's book Wonderful Life: the Burgess Shale and the Nature of History ranks (for me) among the more important books ever written when understood from a Christian viewpoint. Remember, I have told you that evolution is impossible...
DNA Analysis: Genetic Codes Background and Interpretations
Prepared By: Dr. Charles Ruark, Jr. February 21, 2024 Creation Machine How can we understand Genesis 1 in relation to modern taxonomy and the genetic (DNA codes) codes? Then God said, "Let the waters below the heavens be gathered into one place, and let the dry land...
The Thousand-Year Reign of Christ
In this important article, Dr. French Arrington provides a concise and helpful description of what is often referred to as the thousand-year reign or Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ upon the earth.
Ezekiel 40-42
The Holy Square of Ezekiel 45:2 is given in cubits and not rods because the temple of Ezekiel 40-42 naturally adds up on the inside to 500x500 cubits, and the word "cubits" is never assumed where a measurement is given in these chapters. Furthermore, the open space of...