Occupying the main portion of the Inner Court of the Temple, the Altar of Sacrifice (43:13-18) and the altar hearth with its four horns of Ezekiel 43:16 are featured in this picture. The ledge of Ezekiel 43:17 is seen. The dimensions of the ledge are defined by its 14 x 14 cubits (24.5 x 24.5 feet) corners on its four sides. It creates a suspended floor of 40 x 40 cubits (70 x 70 feet) which is twice the size of the altar of 2 Chronicles 3:4, which was 20 x 20 cubits. Both of these altars are 10 cubits (17.5 feet) in height. The one-half cubit (10.5 inches) border surrounding the perimeter of the ledge is seen (Ezekiel 43:17) as are the four corners of the ledge of Ezekiel 43:20. The length and width of these corners are 7 cubits.
The doorway and its Butcher’s Chamber located next to the two side pillars at the junction of the gates of Ezekiel 40:38 are seen in the distance. The entrance into the Northern Singer’s Chamber is seen on the west side of the North Gateway. This entrance opens onto the pavement of the Inner Court that is next to the east side of the Inner Temple. It is important because it was at this entrance, which was the entrance of Ezekiel 46:19, where Ezekiel entered to begin his journey to the Holy Kitchen of Ezekiel 46:19-20.
To the west of this entrance is the entrance into the pathway of the East Door (42:9) that opens onto the pavement of the Inner Court that is next to the Inner Temple (42:3). The Inner Temple is located behind the Altar. The columns on either side of the stairway of Ezekiel 40:49 are seen. The porch of the Inner Temple and its side pillars are seen (Ezekiel 40:48-49). The side pillars encasing the Nave of the Inner Temple are also seen (Ezekiel 41:1).
The columns, porch side pillars, and Nave side pillars form squares of 16 x 16 cubits (28 x 28 feet), 25 x 25 cubits (43.75 x 43.75 feet), and 36 x 36 cubits (63 x 63 feet), respectively. The platform (Ezekiel 41:8) of the Inner Temple and the pool of water that is the source of the Millennial River (Ezekiel 47:1) are seen.
Immediately north of the altar, the large building housing the bedrooms of the Levitical priests is seen (Ezekiel 42:10-12). It’s beautiful little porch that leads to the inner walkway of these bedrooms is seen on the east side of the North Gateway.
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