Dr. Charles Ruark
*Reference “DNA Analysis- A PDF” for this article.
It appears that the logic equations found in these attached tables are even more important than had been previously thought. Let us explain. There are 1.5e + 84 possible DNA or genetic codes. This is an incomprehensively large number. To give you an idea of how large this number is, there are estimated to be e + 82 atoms (10 raised to the power of 82) in the observable universe. There are estimated to be 4e + 84 photons in the observable universe. What this number (1.5e + 84) amounts to is answering the question: how many unique ways can 64 codons be assigned to 21 amino acids? But there is another very important question: out of these 1.5e + 84 possible unique assignments of codons to the 21 amino acids and stop signal of the Code, which one would be the optimal assignment to produce the optimal digital network and the optimal biochemical bonding code for Life? We believe that you are looking at the optimal assignments when you examine these tables! We believe that we can prove this, because 40 simple AND/OR gates represent an absolute minimum number of gates for a Boolean code of 6 variables with 64 possible inputs and 21 outputs. For the 21 logic equations representing the 21 outputs (amino acids and stop signal) of the DNA code on the right-hand side of Table 1, there are 23 terms or 1.1 terms per output (amino acid or stop signal) and 1.74 gates per term!
Let us explain further. It is a fact that these codon assignments produce these logic equations. Even a cursory examination shows that they are remarkable in their simplicity. The digital network produced by these assignments contains 40 simple gates. One of the properties that that has become apparent is that regardless of the bit assignments, it is impossible to produce a really bad set of logic equations or an ugly digital network. The codon assignments prevent it. But when one chooses the optimum bit assignment, the logic equations and their digital network become really remarkable in their simplicity and beauty as the right-hand side of Table 1 demonstrates. These codon assignments are the codon assignments found in nature that are assigned to the DNA code. Phrased another way, if one wanted to create the optimal logic equations for the 1.5e + 84 possible DNA codes, the equations that you see in Table 1 are ones that would be chosen. And these equations are produced by the codon assignments of the DNA code found in nature!
Now examine the left-hand side of Table 1 and observe the codon assignments for each amino acid of the DNA code as found in nature. They are assigned to each amino acid according to the requirements of Wobble Base Pairing code. In fact, one might argue that the Wobble code is responsible for the codon assignments to the various amino acids and stop signal of the DNA code. The Wobble code maximally optimizes the DNA code in order to minimize the harmful effects of a genetic mutation and mistakes that occur in protein synthesis that would result in a defective protein. Now compare these assignments to the optimal assignments of codons in order to create the optimal set of logic equations on the right-hand side of Table 1.
They are identical! This fact cannot be coincidental or over emphasized. It took the intelligence of the Deity to accomplish this.
The probability of the DNA code as it exists in nature, being a maximally optimized biochemical bonding code that maximizes cellular efficiency by eliminating 50% of the tRNA molecules that carry the anticodons and minimizes genetic mutations and errors in translation at the ribosome, and also being a maximally optimized Boolean code, occurring by random chance, is zero. We have already stated that evolution (random chance) cannot produce a code, not even a simple stoplight code. All Life as we know it is based on the DNA code also known as the genetic code.
I hope that you can comprehend that this discovery falsifies, disproves, and destroys evolution beyond any shadow of any doubt. Evolution did not and could not happen. It destroys the antichrist religion of modern cosmology which is understood by the public as the “Big Bang.” It answers the question of the Fermi Paradox: We are alone in the physical universe. There’s nothing out there, truly. It reinstitutes the Christian/Biblical worldview as the true worldview. It restores the earth and its solar system as literally being the center of the observable universe in every respect, including the physical center. Christians who have abandoned the Bible in favor of modern cosmology have made a grave mistake and done a severe disservice to Jesus.