Dr. Charles Ruark

I should mention that there is one and only one Universal DNA Code. This code has 24 variations almost all of which represent reassignment of the stop or start codons to an alternative codon or codons. These minor variations are not evidence of evolution. Rather, these variations indicate that Jesus, for reasons known only to Him, occasionally varied the code in the nucleus and mitochondria of cells across the five taxonomic Kingdoms, just a little.

I will discuss these variations in another article titled, Genetic Codes, but for the time being, for the sake of simplicity, I want to discuss life as though there is one and only one assignment of the 64 codons of the DNA code to the 21 amino acids of the code. I also want to say that it is logically impossible for the DNA code to exist by means of random chance apart from the existence of an infinite Multiverse. Thus, for Life to have evolved there must be a full invocation of the Anthropic Principle.

NASA and Random Chance

NASA never admits to this fact. NASA maintains that given enough time, surface liquid water, energy, and organic molecules, i.e., amino acids, life could have arisen by random chance. In other words, given a suitable environment and billions of years, no matter how improbable, life could have arisen by accident. This represents intellectual dishonesty on NASA’s part because it provides no explanation for how something as complex as the cell could have come into existence by coincidence or happenstance. Why?

NASA never mentions that life cannot exist without the DNA code. NASA never mentions that life is 100% based on the existence of a code and that a code has nothing to do with the existence of water, energy, or organic molecules. The fundamental unit of human life is the cell. All cells contain DNA and use the DNA code to exist. No DNA code, no life. It’s that simple.

NASA NEVER MENTIONS THAT THE SET OF ALL POSSIBLE CODES IS INFINITE. To give an example, there are 1.5e+84 possible unique DNA codes alone. So, there are more possible unique DNA codes than there are particles in the observable universe. The diameter of our observable universe is 92 billion light years.


We have no evidence that our universe is infinite or for the existence of a Multiverse. Both of these concepts are products of human reasoning which is woefully inadequate for understanding the universe that we can observe. If you are a college student or adult interested in science, I must inform you that the reason for these infinities created by human logic in the first place is the exclusion of an omnipotent Creator from the evolutionary worldview. If one includes Jesus as Creator, then our observable universe with Earth at its center possessing a diameter of 92 billion light years is the sole universe that He created. There is no physical evidence for a Multiverse, and we can never know by definition what exists outside our universe. These logical infinities are and always will be pure speculations based on human logic with zero physical evidence to support them.

No Physical Evidence for a Multiverse

A code may be defined as a systematic standardized use of a given set of symbols used to represent information. Every code requires the choice of a unique set of information. Every code in existence (including the DNA Code) must employ a unique set of symbols in order to represent its set of information.

Is it possible for information and symbols to evolve? One might argue that even information and symbols could have arisen by random chance given the size of the universe and billions of years. However, the sets of possible symbols and information are infinite. Random chance is blind. It, by definition, cannot not take practicality, feasibility, or intelligence into account. A code by definition must possess a reason to exist. Random chance by definition possesses no intelligence and therefore can provide no necessity, reason, or functionality that must precede the existence of a code.


For example, the necessity to regulate traffic is obvious. A code was devised to function as the “traffic cop”, thus eliminating the necessity of a traffic officer at every important intersection. Engineers devised a clever code to function as the traffic officer. For their set of information, they chose the words “Stop”, “Caution”, and “Go” and for their set of symbols “Red”, “Yellow”, and “Green”. However, the symbols used to represent the words “Stop”, “Caution”, and “Go” for the simple stop light code could theoretically be anything.

Random Chance? Are you kidding me? 

Random chance is blind but the use of the colors red, yellow, and green is purely arbitrary and based on what is practical or feasible to employ as symbols at an intersection of traffic. Put another way, reversing the sets using the original symbols (“Red”, “Yellow”, and “Green”) as the information and the original information (“Stop”, “Caution”, and “Go”) as the symbols would be just as valid in an evolutionary Multiverse of infinite universes. Therefore, the probability of a simple stop light code, which uses the symbols red, yellow, and green to represent “Stop”, “Caution”, and “Go”, to arise by random chance is essentially 1 divided by infinity which is 0 or in the case of the Multiverse, infinity divided by infinity which is undefined.

Probability? Not probable apart from God! 

This same logic could be equally applied to the DNA code or to any code. The probability of a DNA code which uses as its choice of symbols, the unique set of 64 triplet combinations of the molecules adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil (A, G, C, and U) and its 21 amino acids as it set of information, to have evolved, i.e., to arise by random chance, is 0 unless there is the existence of a Multiverse of universes. This involves the invocation of the Anthropic Principle in the broadest sense. Only then can NASA honestly suggest, although they have no way of proving it, that somewhere out there in the infinite number of random universes of the Multiverse, there are an infinite number of DNA codes one of which is ours and as an extension, an infinite number of you and me, and so on. Even if you assume a Multiverse infinity divided by infinity is undefined.

I, personally, have no difficulty in rejecting an infinitely expanding inflationary universe as just one universe floating in the infinite Multiverse of universes, as an absurdity of human logic.



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